Mar 27, 2010

'Wake Up Sid'......

Somehow I don't understand today's politics very well. I mean somehow the political science that I have had in my +10 syllabus, the concepts that we were's political concepts don't seem follow the definitions written in the books, or quoted by our teachers those days.We used to write for the definition of Government that  a government is of the the people and for the people. The opposition party was there to keep a tab on the running effectively they are working...criticize their faults...showcase those faults to the people and work together with the government too for the well being of the citizens.The Constitutional rights and the fundamental duties mentioned in the Directive Principles were considered as the pillars for the democracy.

But aye!!!Look at the Dance of Indian Democracy now!!!Show me a government that follows the above me an opposition party that effectively does its duty rather than just opposing each and every policies taken by the government just for the sake of it!!!Forget about rights and duties, we are not even citizens of India in the eyes of our esteemed politicians...we are mere voters...we are supposed to be shown promises of bright future...and then when the elections are over, we poor voters fade into oblivion!!!!All the fancy promises then disappear like a midsummer's night's dream!!!!Leave aside these 'trivial' matters...we can't even speak out our minds...if you criticize one are branded as the supporter of the other party. A common man cannot even make a not-so-political statement, forget about making a slight political one!!!Once you dare to make one( added to that if you are also a celebrity) are treated as if you have done the most heinous crime and you should apologize immediately or face the dire consequences!!!If you don't believe me...just look at the number of apologies that any celebrity is supposed to make for his/her not-so-political comments,  from a Khusboo to a latest Shah Rukh Khan!!! (If celebrities are treated like that you can very well guess what will happen to us commoners, with no strong sources, if we dare to speak our minds anytime!!!)

Sometimes I feel looking at all these incidents that as if we common people don't live nor own this country.......we make a Nation.....but we can't speak no evil against the political parties!Political parties through out the world look down upon "Talibanism".......but this attitude here, is nothing less than that!!!!!This is the same as Fascism,Talibanism,where people lose their rights!!!!!

I'm no learned on all these topics, but yes all these make me feel troubled!As a young voter of the Nation it makes me wonder about the real state of our nation.I mean we are the future of the Nation ...if we don't pay any heed to all these things happening throughout the country, if we don't try to rectify all these by the power of our voting rights ( which unfortunately are not exercised by some because of political pressure and others because they were supposedly too busy to vote that day or are too apolitical to even vote!)  ........then its better we stop calling ourselves an Indian.

With the hopes of seeing our Nation as the"Sare Jahan se accha"......................................................

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