Dec 3, 2009

Crushes and Crashes!!! Part I

Definition of crush:
i)To break, pound, or grind (stone or ore, for example) into small fragments or powder  or,

ii)A person you like or love, that that person does not know about

No, no this is no scientific research on the definition of Crush...I just want to direct the attention of my dear readers to the above definition....look at the definition and then you will see how the word Crush is somehow integrally related to a Crash!! Ok, so why am I  hell-bound on proving this crushes have usually met with thuds in the end...some loud and some not...but the end result have always been the same!!!! So you can say this is a confession of sorts...of my series of crushes and crashes....

My first crush was unofficially Rishi Kapoor,when I was 5/6 years old...I still don't know whether to call it a crush or not...I just thought he's so cool and handsome when I first watched him dancing to the tune of "Om Shanti Om...."...I don't think I wanted to marry him or something like that, but surely I'd always remain glued to TV screen,whenever he was shown...and dance along with him whenever he would dance.

But my first official crush was Leonardo Di Caprio...actually to be honest 'Jack Dawson' from Titanic. I was in class VII, when Titanic was released and like thousand other girls I officially gave away my heart to the "so cute!' Leo!!!! I bought pictures and posters of Titanic and of Di Caprio wherever I would get them......along with my friends used to act scenes from Titanic and thought that kissing one's hand is so romantic!!! And 'Every night in my dreams', I would "see" and "feel" Leo...and actually believed wholeheartedly that he is going to come to Kolkata and like Jack Dawson would sweep me away from my feet!!!! But alas!! I continued waiting..but he did not come and meanwhile my studies were hampered...I failed in two subjects in my Half yearly exam....and my Mum was furious to the power of infinity....Lets not talk about the scoldings and beatings that I got in front of my friends...but the worst of them all was that she tore away all Leo's posters and pictures which I had being hiding so successfully in my school bag till that day. Nothing made me feel so miserable than this 'cruel' act!!I took solace in the bathroom for 1 hour...cried my heart out....thought that like Rose too, my Jack has been cruelly taken away from me by the 'Zaalim Duniya'!!! That night, when everyone was sleeping, I slowly crept out from my room, took out the torn posters and pictures from the dustbin and the next day when I got some time I glued all the pictures one by one and again hid them in another torn bag. I did not talk to my mother for the next 2 weeks (since I was sent to my Granny's home as a punishment for my horrible exam), and along with my physics teacher in the school, I identified my mum as the biggest villain in my love story.

Later on when other Di Caprio movies were released like 'The Beach' and 'Man in the iron mask', I tried desperately to watch those movies, but somehow I could not manage to watch them (though  I thought he did not look that 'Cute' in the later movies)....also I got to know that he was rather busy dating some Brazilian model or whatever and it broke my 'heart' completely. Slowly with the tide of time I forgot about the torn bag where I had hidden the mended pictures of Leo and oneday I found out Mum had thrown it away coz she found it creepy!!! Somehow I did not feel the same pain that I had felt earlier, somehow I found that  I had grown out of that indomitable 'crush'... ...  Such was my love Crush and the Crash along with it!!!!!

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