Sep 13, 2007

The Changing face of Indian Family

The Great Indian Family saga is a well coined terminology - celebrated in varieties of magazines,newspaper ,internet...even in K serials and sweared by a certain Mr.Johar or a Mr.Barjatiya.As it is often shown in the serials,the men in the family usually go to their offices in suits ,while the women manage the kitchen and their kids wearing kanjivarams and heavy makeup.But Indian Family is not so simple or cliched as that is a complex,customized..often a whole an interesting social institution.

If we can trace the earlier days of Indian Familyhood,we would find that Family came into existence with the institution of Marriage.As people got married and gave birth to children,they thought of strengthening the bond by staying together as a unit and by this idea the concept of family came into being.Previously the main system in the family was that of joint family system.People who shared the same blood came together and formed a family.But not only that,even the neighbours and the domestic helps even were considered a part of that BIG Family.All these helped the family members to share a feeling of togetherness,belongingness and even in forming a separate identity as a whole.

If the question arises that whether the family system was that of Patriarchal or Matriarchal in essence,I would rather opine that it was Both.The men being the main earning member of the family used to take part in most of the decision making,but it was the women who used to run the show inside the family.Be it being the treasurer(it's an open secret that the men either give their earnings to their mother or their spouse) or the being main spearhead in the household activities,women used to play crucial roles.So usuallly the seniormost man in the family would be regarded as the Head of the family ,while his spouse would also share the mantle in matters of household activities.

As it happens all the time,there was no dearth in quarrels or arguments within the family,whatever might be the it for power,or recognition or money , or even love.In the yester years ,the custom of a man having many wives was quite prevalent.So there were enough reasons for the women to fight amongst themselves.But all these fights were not only limited within the female section,the male section also used to take part in it equally.And their reasons also varied among power,properties or money

But inspite of all these human shortsomings,the joint family system survived for a long time,becuase where there was fighting ,there was love too;where there was lust for power ,there was the essence of sacrifice too.In a way the joint family system was like the Indian 'Khichdi'- mixture of different personalities.

But as modern age ushered in the advent of urbanisation,joint family system slowly began give way to its counterpart nuclear family system.As the male members went in search for better opportunities in the cities and finally settled there,nuclear family came into being.Now the modern family began to consist of the parents and their children.People started living in small apartments - a separate world of their own.The older members of the family mostly are either not given much importance in matters of the family,or else in an extreme way regarded as a burden.The relatives are for the occassional festive times or any kind of ceremony...else for the rest of the year apart from a 'hi hello' relation,not much contact is kept.In this time of multistoreyed bulidings,we often dont know who our neighbours are,while some of the more curious ones are treated with either suspicion or irritation.The parents are mostly busy with their own lives and the children with their studies.Instead of playing with friends on a ground or listening to stories from the Grandmas,the children have either internet or a fancy playstation to accompany them.

Even in the risk of sounding like a boring person,I would like to comment that I don't like this new modern lifestyle.Somehow,I feel suffocated ,as if I am not getting enough sunshine,water or air.This new lifestyle has its merit in many ways,but somewhere life has become very robotic,where in the pursue of material happiness ,people have forgotten one thing - sharing and caring.I am not criticising the nuclear family system here, I am criticising the lifestyle.After all we may be paupers or fools in real life,but its your family which will still treat you as the "Best".

Maybe we still yearn for this old charming essence of familylife or what else would explain the popularity of the family soaps or movies today.Maybe looking at the families shown in the soaps we fantasise for a family life like that.So long live the K serials ,long live the Johars and the Barjatiyas- as long as we crave for our families ,they will be no less popular.

Aug 24, 2007

Demons in the Desert

Once upon a time there were two merchants, who were friends. Both of them were getting ready for business trips to sell their merchandise, so they had to decide whether to travel together. They agreed that, since each had about 500 carts, and they were going to the same place along the same road, it would be too crowded to go at the same time.

One decided that it would be much better to go first. He thought, "The road will not be rutted by the carts, the bullocks will be able to choose the best of all the grass, we will find the best fruits and vegetables to eat, my people will appreciate my leadership and, in the end, I will be able to bargain for the best prices."

The other merchant considered carefully and realized there were advantages to going second. He thought, "My friend's carts will level the ground so we won't have to do any road work, his bullocks will eat the old rough grass and new tender shoots will spring up for mine to eat. In the same way, they will pick the old fruits and vegetables and fresh ones will grow for us to enjoy. I won't have to waste my time bargaining when I can take the price already set and make my profit." So he agreed to let his friend go first. This friend was sure he'd fooled him and gotten the best of him - so he set out first on the journey.

The merchant who went first had a troublesome time of it. They came to a wilderness called the 'Waterless Desert', which the local people said was haunted by demons. When the caravan reached the middle of it, they met a large group coming from the opposite direction. They had carts that were mud smeared and dripping with water. They had lotuses and water lilies in their hands and in the carts. The head man, who had a know-it-all attitude, said to the merchant, "Why are you carrying these heavy loads of water? In a short time you will reach that oasis on the horizon with plenty of water to drink and dates to eat. Your bullocks are tired from pulling those heavy carts filled with extra water - so throw away the water and be kind to your overworked animals!"

Even though the local people had warned them, the merchant did not realize that these were not real people, but demons in disguise. They were even in danger of being eaten by them. Being confident that they were helpful people, he followed their advice and had all his water emptied onto the ground.

As they continued on their way they found no oasis or any water at all. Some realized they'd been fooled by beings that might have been demons, and started to grumble and accuse the merchant. At the end of the day all the people were tired out. The bullocks were too weak from lack of water to pull their heavy carts. All the people and animals lay down in a haphazard manner and fell into a deep sleep. Lo and behold, during the night the demons came in their true frightening forms and gobbled up all the weak defenseless beings. When they were done there were only bones lying scattered around - not one human or animal was left alive.

After several months, the second merchant began his journey along the same way. When he arrived at the wilderness, he assembled all his people and advised them -"This is called the 'Waterless Desert' and I have heard that it is haunted by demons and ghosts. Therefore we should be careful. Since there may be poison plants and foul water, don't drink any local water without asking me." In this way they started into the desert.

After getting about half-way through, in the same way as with the first caravan, they were met by the water-soaked demons in disguise. They told them the oasis was near and they should throw away their water. But the wise merchant saw through them right away. He knew it didn't make sense to have an oasis in a place called 'Waterless Desert'. And besides, these people had bulging red eyes and an aggressive and pushy attitude, so he suspected they might be demons. He told them to leave them alone saying, "We are business men who don't throw away good water before we know where the next is coming from."

Then, seeing that his own people had doubts, the merchant said to them, "Don't believe these people, who may be demons, until we actually find water. The oasis they point to may be just an illusion or a mirage. Have you ever heard of water in this 'Waterless Desert"? Do you feel any rain-wind or see any storm clouds?" They all said, "No" , and he continued, "If we believe these strangers and throw away our water, then later we may not have any to drink or cook with - then we will be weak and thirsty- it would be easy for demons to come and rob us, or even eat us up! Therefore, until we really find water, do not waste even a drop!"

The caravan continued on its way and, that evening, reached the place where the first caravan's people and bullocks had been killed and eaten by the demons. They found the carts and human and animal bones lying all around. They recognized that the fully loaded carts and the scattered bones belonged to the former caravan. The wise merchant told certain people to stand watch around the camp during the night.

The next morning the people ate breakfast, and fed their bullocks well. They added to their goods the most valuable things left from the first caravan. So they finished their journey very successfully, and returned home safely so that they and their families could enjoy their profits.

The moral is: "One must always be wise enough not to be fooled by tricky talk and false appearances ."

The Golden Plate

Once upon a time in a place called Seri, there were two salesmen of pots and pans and hand-made trinkets. They agreed to divide the town between them. They also said that after one had gone through his area, it was all right for the other to try and sell where the first had already been.

One day, while one of them was coming down a street, a poor little girl saw him and asked her grandmother to buy her a bracelet. The old grandmother replied, "How can we poor people buy bracelets?" The little girl said, "Since we don't have any money, we can give our black sooty old plate." The old woman agreed to give it a try, so she invited the dealer inside.

The salesman saw that these people were very poor and innocent, so he didn't want to waste his time with them. Even though the old woman pleaded with him, he said he had no bracelet that she could afford to buy. Then she asked, "We have an old plate that is useless to us, can we trade it for a bracelet?" The man took it and, while examining it, happened to scratch the bottom of it. To his surprise, he saw that underneath the black soot, it was a golden plate! But he didn't let on that he had noticed it. Instead he decided to deceive these poor people so he could get the plate for next to nothing. He said 'This is not worth even one bracelet, there's no value in this, I don't want it!" He left, thinking he would return later when they would accept even less for the plate.
Meanwhile the other salesman, after finishing in his part of town, followed after the first as they had agreed. He ended up at the same house. Again the poor little girl begged her grandmother to trade the old plate for a bracelet. The woman saw that this was a nice tender looking merchant and thought, "He's a good man, not like the rough-talking first salesman." So she invited him in and offered to trade the same black sooty old plate for one bracelet. When he examined it, he too saw that it was pure gold under the grime. He said to the old woman, "All my goods and all my money together are not worth as much as this rich golden plate!"

Of course the woman was shocked at this discovery, but now she knew that he was indeed a good and honest fellow. So she said she would be glad to accept whatever he could trade for it. The salesman said, "I'll give you all my pots and pans and trinkets, plus all my money, if you will let me keep just eight coins and my balancing scale, with its cover to put the golden plate in." They made the trade. He went down to the river, where he paid the eight coins to the ferry man to take him across.

By then the greedy salesman had returned, already adding up huge imaginary profits in his head. When he met the little girl and her grandmother again, he said he had changed his mind and was willing to offer a few cents, but not one of his bracelets, for the useless black sooty old plate. The old woman then calmly told him of the trade she had just made with the honest salesman, and said, "Sir, you lied to us."

The greedy salesman was not ashamed of his lies, but he was saddened as he thought, "I've lost the golden plate that must be worth a hundred thousand." So he asked the woman, "Which way did he go?" She told him the direction. He left all his things right there at her door and ran down to the river, thinking, "He robbed me! He robbed me! He won't make a fool out of me!"
From the riverside he saw the honest salesman still crossing over on the ferry boat. He shouted to the ferry man, "Come back!" But the good merchant told him to keep on going to the other side, and that's what he did.

Seeing that he could do nothing, the greedy salesman exploded with rage. He jumped up and down, beating his chest. He became so filled with hatred towards the honest man, who had won the golden plate, that he made himself cough up blood. He had a heart attack and died on the spot!

The moral is: "Honesty is the best policy."

Jul 14, 2007


On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.
The infinite sky is motionless overhead
and the restless water is boisterous.
On the seashore of endless worlds
the children meet with shouts and dances.

They build their houses with sand
and they play with empty shells.
With withered leaves they weave their boats
and smilingly float them on the vast deep.

Children have their play on the seashore of worlds.
They know not how to swim, they know not how to cast nets.
Pearl fishers dive for pearls, merchants sail in their ships,
while children gather pebbles and scatter them again.
They seek not for hidden treasures, they know not how to cast nets.
The sea surges up with laughter
and pale gleams the smile of the sea beach.

Death-dealing waves sing meaningless ballads to the children,
even like a mother while rocking her baby's cradle.
The sea plays with children,
and pale gleams the smile of the sea beach.

On the seashore of endless worlds children meet.
Tempest roams in the pathless sky,
ships get wrecked in the trackless water,
death is abroad and children play.

On the seashore of endless worlds is the
great meeting of children.

Rabindranath Tagore


Prisoner, tell me, who was it that bound you?'
`It was my master,' said the prisoner.
`I thought I could outdo everybody in the world in wealth and power,
and I amassed in my own treasure-house the money due to my king.
When sleep overcame me I lay upon the bed that was for my lord,
and on waking up I found I was a prisoner in my own treasure-house.'
`Prisoner, tell me, who was it that wrought this unbreakable chain?'
`It was I,' said the prisoner, `who forged this chain very carefully.
I thought my invincible power would hold the world captive
leaving me in a freedom undisturbed.
Thus night and day I worked at the chain
with huge fires and cruel hard strokes.
When at last the work was done
and the links were complete and unbreakable,
I found that it held me in its grip.'

Rabindranath Tagore

Jul 9, 2007

I am restless. I am athirst for far-away things.
My soul goes out in a longing to touch the skirt of the dim distance.
O Great Beyond, O the keen call of thy flute!
I forget, I ever forget, that I have no wings to fly, that I am bound in this spot evermore

I am eager and wakeful, I am a stranger in a strange land.
Thy breath comes to me whispering an impossible hope.
Thy tongue is known to my heart as its very own.
O Far-to-seek, O the keen call of thy flute!
I forget, I ever forget, that I know not the way, that I have not the winged horse.

I am listless, I am a wanderer in my heart.
In the sunny haze of the languid hours, what vast vision of thine takes shape in the blue of the sky!
O Farthest end, O the keen call of thy flute!
I forget, I ever forget, that the gates are shut everywhere in the house where I dwell alone!

Rabindranath Tagore

Jul 1, 2007

To my Teacher

You know how life springs up surprises at every nook and corner....This has happened with me too! When I was in Class 10..I was constantly in touch through letters with my uncle Barun. He used to Study in London and would write us rather big letters...sometimes emails too...which reflected his own thoughts and experiences. It was in one of his letters that he mentioned about the book "Lectures from Colombo to Almora".....This book contained a series of lectures which Swami Vivekananda gave after his return fom Chicago.He mentioned how this book changed hios I got really interested...i thought lets buy the book and see what is so amazing about this book that Barunmama is just going Ga-ga over it!

And finally when I bought and started reading it really changed my whole life...I'm not saying that I'm a very religious person by any means...but this book made such an unbelievable impact on me...that my whole thought process changed...I realized many a things...I'm still realizing them....A new world opened in front of me...there was indeed light at the end of the tunnel....from that moment ther was an evolution in me...I was not me anymore but someone else. From that moment S.V as I fondly call him...became my Guru...

I cant say that I've followed each and every details of his teachings....Can't say that I've been that much sincere in my efforts....but as you know in a class theer are always the good and sincere students and there are the naughty ones who dont often follow the class....but the respect and intentions are the same...only I'd take a little bit of time to settle down ...but I'd definitely and thats a promise to my beloved Teacher!

May 30, 2007

Bavra Mann

This post is about a song I really love...this is from the Movie "Haazaron Khwayisen aisi".The song is "Bavra Mann",lyrics by Swanand Kirkire.The lyrics is so soulful that it touches your heart.....feels you with a with an unexplainBavra Mann Dekhne Chala Ek Sapnaable pain....a feeling of missing something in life.

Bavra Mann Dekhne Chala Ek Sapna

Bavre Se Mann, Ki Dekho Bavri Hain Baatein
Bavre Se Mann, Ki Dekho Bavri Hain Baatein
Bavri Se Dhadkaane Hain, Bavri Hain Saansen
Bavri Si Karwaton Se, Nindiya Door Bhaage
Bavre Se Nain Chaahe, Bavre Jharokhon Se,
Bavre Nazaron Ko Takna.
Bavra Mann Dekhne Chala Ek Sapna

Bavre Se Is Jahan Main Bavra Ek Saath Ho
Is Sayani Bheed Main Bas Haathon Mein Tera Haath Ho
Bavri Si Dhun Ho Koi, Bavra Ek Raag Ho
Bavri Si Dhun Ho Koi, Bavra Ek Raag Ho
Bavre Se Pair Chahen, Baavron Tarano Ke,
Bavre Se Bol Pe Thirakna.
Bavra Mann, Dekhne Chala Ek Sapna

Bavra Sa Ho Andhera, Bavri Khamoshiyan
Bavra Sa Ho Andhera, Bavri Khamoshiyan
Thartharati Low Ho Maddham, Bavri Madhoshiyan
Bavra Ek Ghooghta Chahe, Haule Haule Bin Bataye,
Bavre Se Mukhde Se Sarakana,
Bavra Mann, Dekhne Chala Ek Sapna

May 7, 2007

The Alchemy

Wise men say that alchemy or as known in bengali "paraspathar" if it touches anything then that thing is turned into gold.In literary or even in spiritual term "paraspathar" is often termed as something that makes your life golden, i.e as fire is supposed to purify gold......alchemy is supposed to purify you on a spiritual level.I am not talking about God,Religion,or Dogmas of any kind but I'm talking about spirituality i.e being in touch with your spirit!

I've often wondered what can be called the alchemy of our life....My personal life experiences and also the lives and works of others that perhaps Sorrow is the main alchemy in our life.As wisemen ay sorrow is like the fire that purifies us and makes us beter human beings.Not only that it acts as a guideline.....People say that unless you haven't experienced sorow in life you won't be able to understand won't be able to experience sympathy or empathy of any would be missing one of your basic emotional experience.As Tagore says,
"amar e dhup na porale,
gondho kichue nahi dhale
amar e dweep na jalale
deye na kicchue alo.
ei korocho bhalo nithur
ei korocho bhalo"

If we give thought to it we would certainly find that it is really true that alone sorow can actually light the extinguished fire inside may make us come closer to our may inspire us for creating master pieces.......Aye the most celebrated songs of the world is that of tragedy...that of sorrow......the same can be said about poems too!I don't want to go into the details of differentiating the causes of sorrow.But somewhere down the line I still believe and would continue believing that sorow is really the alchemy in our life.We just have to accept the fact that there's somewhere hidden in sorow is the essence of happiness!

May 1, 2007


Well as it's often said.....Much to do about this is what I've been doing all these days...nothing!And mind it doing nothing also takes a lot of sit in just one particular place...either watching the Tv screen(doesn't matter if u like anything on it or not)...wasting your time on a simple cup of Tea(specially in my case Bedtea) or looking outside the window in such a way as if you are the world's greatest Philosopher!But Aye!all these efforts are not understood by your parents...specially your mother....and she'll start pursuing you to do some studies or atleast some household works.The least you can do then is to turn deaf(no prob with me,I've already affected both my ears in a miraculous way!)or be indifferent like a Philospher.

The most favourite activity of mine is sleeping ofcourse.But somehow my this favourite pasttime is detested by my family members....however I may try I can't make them understand the importance of sleep....i can give a whole lecture on it.If you don't believe me I can tell you that in REM sleep,i.e when you are dreaming,it helps you to process all the information you got during a day and helps in Long term Memory storage.and also Growth Hormone is secreted then which is essential for human growth.I can go on raving about the neccessity of sleep ,but what's the use my parents simply won't understand!Hope you peoiplke will agree with my vision.Till then......

Apr 17, 2007

Memories last forever

In this journey of life meet with so many people...some stay with you forever ...some you leave behind...some disappears suddenly......but all these people make you truly what you are.But as they say memories last forever......

When I was a kid, I had for company all the books I could possibly read superheroes....And oneday I met with this skinny girl .....she had boy's cut hair with specs ..and looked just like me...scared...She was our neighbour sort of...her maternal Grandma lived besides our apartment.Though she was 1year junior to me ,we stuck up this unusual friendship....we both of the same kind chose to visit each other's Neverland together.

I still remember they had this huge mango tree in their garden and we used to climb up that tree to show heroism to others.Everyday we used to play together.....and eventually our mothers had to literally drag us back to home....

The best thing we liked in our make a believe plays was that of Dark room- it was this abbreviated version of Haunted houses.And this was somewhere we would be best at.All we used to do act as if it was this stormy night and we two,along with her baby brother went to take shelter in a house,which would eventually turn up into a haunted house....We would be sleeping and then there would be disturbances...Ghosts would chase of us (usually the baby brother would be the bali ka bakhra) would come under the spell of spirits and turn one of them...and we bravehearts would finally save him and us.This paly was so realistic that one night while playing this we really thought that there was someone in the room!!

We would be culturally inclined too and we had arranged successfully twice a Rabindrajayanti programme in our respective home.We did two plays of "Hassya koutuk"of Rabi Thakur "Chatrer pariksha " and the other's name I've forgotten but it was about stealing of eggs.we even made two little boys dance to rabindrasangeet(it wasn't Rabindra nrittya by any chance)

So we had this beautiful childhood together but somehow after I passed out from school I lost touch with her.All I knew about her that she was studying in Shikshayatan college.But a few days back,a local friend of mine told me that my first friend's life has been destroyed by a motor accident in Bangalore...she went there for reviving her life's aspirations...but it was shattered by a man made machine......she's no more now..................all that remains is the ugliness of her death...the opain ,the tears and some memories..................I wish like we played in the Darkroom game,I knew some magic to shatter the spell that has separated her from our world......

Her name was Dorothy Bhattacharya ,my first ever friend ,forever and eternity........................

Feb 12, 2007

Coffee Talk

A group of alumni,highly established in their careers,got together to visit their old University Professor.

The conversation soon turned into complaints about stress in work and life........

Offering his guests coffee,the professor went to the kitchen and returned with a large pot of coffee and an assortment of cups-porcelain,plastic,glass,crystal,some plain looking,some expensive,some exquisite -telling them to help themselves to hot coffee.

When all the students had a cup of coffe in their hand ,the professor said:"If you noticed ,all the nice looking ,expensive cups were taken up ,leaving behind the plain and cheap ones.It is but normal for you to want only the best for yourselves,that is the source of your problems and stress.What all you really wanted was the coffeee,not the cup,but you consciously went for the best cupsand were eying each other's cups.

Now if life is coffeeand the jobs,money and position in society are the cups.They are just tools to hold life ,but the quality of life doesn't change.Sometimes,by concentrating only on the cup ,we fail to enjoy the coffee in it.So don't let the cups drive you.....enjoy the coffe instead.....

Feb 6, 2007

College Days

Ok so the official days of our college is finally over.....these days we can only go to college to check the notice board..or to do some library works(which I don't quite fancy).Can't totally describe how it feels...a bit odd I may say...after all I had been quite habituated with the regular rituals of college going days...waking up early (not before 8am!).....running thru' all the morning rituals in an express speed...and boarding the 9.o5 am E1 bus....many a days I'd get as usually late ...and as I'll make a run and peep from behind the door to see if the teacher has arrived or not!!!And then smiling gallantly I enter the classroom as if I belong there not some silly teacher.....

I had some wonderful time..and not some wonderful times too...there had been moments when I felt like being on top of the world and then sometimes so depressed that I had to open the DSM IV(a book on the criterion of mental disorders) to check my mental prob!But over all can't complain much after all it has taught me some important lessons...made me wiser(or thats what I belive).

I always belive how much you may hate doing something...but ultimately the experience itself makes you evolved as a person...that's why one shudn't underestimate any experience.......

Jan 29, 2007

What is living?

U know wat these days u'd find people are so stressed that they wud get agitated all the time...always running after one thing or it the bus/train or the ambition itself....n all through life they run and if there is no other thing of importance to them in their lives...they run all through their lives...and finally in one crossroad they find themselves all alone....tired ...scared....old!!!!They have missed all the good things in life ....just Good wine and Salary doesn't always mean the "good things" yeah?They had been too busy making house,educating children,and competing in their work life.....I don't think that's called living...if that's living then death is more merciful........
So what's life?Can any one tell me?