May 7, 2007

The Alchemy

Wise men say that alchemy or as known in bengali "paraspathar" if it touches anything then that thing is turned into gold.In literary or even in spiritual term "paraspathar" is often termed as something that makes your life golden, i.e as fire is supposed to purify gold......alchemy is supposed to purify you on a spiritual level.I am not talking about God,Religion,or Dogmas of any kind but I'm talking about spirituality i.e being in touch with your spirit!

I've often wondered what can be called the alchemy of our life....My personal life experiences and also the lives and works of others that perhaps Sorrow is the main alchemy in our life.As wisemen ay sorrow is like the fire that purifies us and makes us beter human beings.Not only that it acts as a guideline.....People say that unless you haven't experienced sorow in life you won't be able to understand won't be able to experience sympathy or empathy of any would be missing one of your basic emotional experience.As Tagore says,
"amar e dhup na porale,
gondho kichue nahi dhale
amar e dweep na jalale
deye na kicchue alo.
ei korocho bhalo nithur
ei korocho bhalo"

If we give thought to it we would certainly find that it is really true that alone sorow can actually light the extinguished fire inside may make us come closer to our may inspire us for creating master pieces.......Aye the most celebrated songs of the world is that of tragedy...that of sorrow......the same can be said about poems too!I don't want to go into the details of differentiating the causes of sorrow.But somewhere down the line I still believe and would continue believing that sorow is really the alchemy in our life.We just have to accept the fact that there's somewhere hidden in sorow is the essence of happiness!

1 comment:

Dhruva said...

Sorrow can change us massively. Happiness is often transient.