Jul 1, 2007

To my Teacher

You know how life springs up surprises at every nook and corner....This has happened with me too! When I was in Class 10..I was constantly in touch through letters with my uncle Barun. He used to Study in London and would write us rather big letters...sometimes emails too...which reflected his own thoughts and experiences. It was in one of his letters that he mentioned about the book "Lectures from Colombo to Almora".....This book contained a series of lectures which Swami Vivekananda gave after his return fom Chicago.He mentioned how this book changed hios life...so I got really interested...i thought lets buy the book and see what is so amazing about this book that Barunmama is just going Ga-ga over it!

And finally when I bought and started reading it ...it really changed my whole life...I'm not saying that I'm a very religious person by any means...but this book made such an unbelievable impact on me...that my whole thought process changed...I realized many a things...I'm still realizing them....A new world opened in front of me...there was indeed light at the end of the tunnel....from that moment ther was an evolution in me...I was not me anymore but someone else. From that moment S.V as I fondly call him...became my teacher..my Guru...

I cant say that I've followed each and every details of his teachings....Can't say that I've been that much sincere in my efforts....but as you know in a class theer are always the good and sincere students and there are the naughty ones who dont often follow the class....but the respect and intentions are the same...only I'd take a little bit of time to settle down ...but I'd definitely and thats a promise to my beloved Teacher!

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