Jun 12, 2014

The Stranger at my place

I stay with a stranger at my place.

Every morning when I wake up,
She also wakes up with me.
When I finish my breakfast, rush into the elevator and press the down button,
She also does the same.
She takes the same bus as me,
Takes the seat just behind me
Even gets down at the same stoppage.

When I reach my office I find her seating in the opposite cubicle to me.
Doing the same work that I do everyday.
Follows me to the canteen for lunch
Is there when I talk with others,
And when the clock says that it's time,
She returns home with me.

She is there when I watch the television,
And also when I eat my rice,
Shuts the bedroom door the same time as me,
She is everywhere I go!!

Yet she speaks not, when I ask her about her name,
Smiles not when I make a joke,
Cries not when I feel pain and it hurts,
Worries not when I don't come home on time.
But somehow I like that she is always around.

When I tell my friends about her,
Everyone laughs and makes fun of me.
They say, my imagination is playing a nasty joke,
That there's no existence of such a person at my place.

When I ask them to visit my place and meet her,
Strangely every time she is never there!
But then as soon as my friends finally take a leave,
She comes back as if from some secret hide-out.

When I get very angry and blame her for making me look like a fool,
She never replies, just keeps on looking at me
Making me wish if I could read those inscrutable eyes,
Maybe then I could know what is going on in her mind.

Thus it continues for every day and night,
Me and my Stranger's lives go on side by side.
And though my doctor believes I've schizophrenia,
I still continue to believe that there is indeed a stranger at my place.

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