Mar 21, 2014

I amuse my Muse

I am not a poet. Let me emphasise that once again. I admire poetry...but never assume or delude myself to be one. But in the last one month or so, I am going through a phase after many years, which has suddenly opened a flood gate and lines and images are running through my mind like wild horses. So finally decided to pen down the thoughts in the exact way as they had occurred. 

I was searching for my muse in you,
But you laughed it off cruelly and left me marooned
On an island with just me and reality as my sole company...

It put across a mirror in front of my face,
Looking inside, I saw death instead
I screamed in fear and the mirror cracked into several pieces
In those pieces I found back my muse once again...

P.S. Name of the poem plagiarised from someone else. 

1 comment:

Vivek Panda said...

beautiful... sometimes only a cracked piece of mirror is worth leaving for... :)