Jul 27, 2017

No or Know

Do they know you
The people that you go out with these days?

Do they know how you take your coffee
Your favourite colour
Your favourite time of the day
Your favourite comfort food?

Do they know which books you like
The movies that you secretly indulge in
Your choice when it comes to music
What it means when you say,
"Let's do something!"

Do they know what your every expression mean
The grimace, the frown, the smirk and smile?
Do they know how to look beyond your laughter?
The nervous tics you do, when you suddenly feel shy?

Do they know that you cry when you watch mushy movies
A head butting trouble when there's any comedy scene on?
Do they know that you have tried out all Bollywood dance moves 
When there used to be nobody around home?

Do they know that you fancied your school to be Hogwarts
And named your nemesis the maths teacher Snape, before 'Always'?
Do they know secretly you used to doodle on your copies
And write love poems while trigonometry classes would be on?

Do they know that you still have a small child inside you
Who still wants to be a Jedi or Indiana Jones?
Do they know about the spacecraft that you had designed in your head?
Do they know you always wanted to run away from home?

Do they know you 
Or know what you show them
Or have you become lately what they want you to be?

Do I know you
As I used to earlier assume?
Or a figment of my imagination 
I conjured you up to be?

Knowing makes a lot of sense
Unknowing makes it hard.
Say I to Say I.

"Out beyond the ideas of knowing and unknowing, there's a field. I will meet you there." 

-Shamelessly lifting and misquoting Rumi

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