Jan 8, 2015

Coffee Mug

Many moons back you had gifted me a coffee mug, with a personalized message on it. Every evening it became my daily routine to drink my cup of coffee in it and silently read the newspaper.

Few moons back, it had fallen from the careless hand and a huge crack appeared on it. It looked ugly, but I still continued having my coffee in it, after all there was no seepage and it was a special coffee mug!

But before long, with casual overuse the crack started to widen more and more. The coffee started seeping out first in a trickle and then gushing out like water coming out from an unmanageable hosepipe.

So I stopped using it, but still couldn't throw it away, don't know why, perhaps as it was the sole remaining witness of something special, but long forgotten.

Sometimes it's easy to forget the face, but difficult to dissociate from the memorabilia.

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