Jan 28, 2015


What is more amusing?

How years of memories can be packed into boxes and sealed 

Or the boxes being marked 'Fragile'?

Jan 25, 2015


Duck Faced Selfie .

Cute Selfie.

Naughty Selfie.

Pet Selfie.

Gym Selfie.

Just woke up Selfie.

Had great fun Selfie.

Ate great food Selfie.

'Self' got lost amongst the crowd of Selfies.

Jan 24, 2015


History repeats itself.

Heart never was a good Historian.

Jan 19, 2015

Surprise me

I say 'Yes',
You say 'No'.

I propose, 
You dispose.

I promise,
You break.

I remember,
You forget.

You are so Predictable
In being 'Unpredictable'
That I want to cry out loud,
" Surprise me!"

Jan 14, 2015


Honestly, shall I tell you honestly?
I do not even know whether I'm honest or not.

Sometimes I would like to believe 
This is what I am,
These are my thoughts,
My dreams, my feelings..

But honestly I do not know whether I can call them mine
Or are they someone else's reflected glory?
Or a fragment of some illusion
Created my favourite Illusionist,
That is Me.

I honestly seek for a reply
Yet I know not how honest I am about that.

Jan 8, 2015

Coffee Mug

Many moons back you had gifted me a coffee mug, with a personalized message on it. Every evening it became my daily routine to drink my cup of coffee in it and silently read the newspaper.

Few moons back, it had fallen from the careless hand and a huge crack appeared on it. It looked ugly, but I still continued having my coffee in it, after all there was no seepage and it was a special coffee mug!

But before long, with casual overuse the crack started to widen more and more. The coffee started seeping out first in a trickle and then gushing out like water coming out from an unmanageable hosepipe.

So I stopped using it, but still couldn't throw it away, don't know why, perhaps as it was the sole remaining witness of something special, but long forgotten.

Sometimes it's easy to forget the face, but difficult to dissociate from the memorabilia.

Jan 6, 2015


"Where were you when I needed you?"

Counter Accusations.

Followed by Silence of Guilt,
Ends in Uncontrollable Laughter.

P.S. Inspired by a recent conversation

Jan 3, 2015


Your indifference and silence
Are deadlier than your lies.

Delete thread

Fiddling with the phone.
Check messages.
Read messages.
Delete thread.

Wish the mind had been a smart phone instead
With some memories easy to delete.