May 7, 2013

Psychosis Unspecified Part III - 'Wow' continued

I had a dream….hmmm a wonderful dream as far as I could recall….that I was on a holiday and I had no work, no early mornings, no classes..where you can sleep as long as you want, eat as much as you want, laze around as long as you want…it was beautiful…at last I had ‘peace….inner peace’… Suddenly the truant alarm clock rang and woke me up. I saw the time, it was 7.15 am, which meant the running water has just started coming and the daily morning ‘ceremony’  has began. I dismissed the alarm telling myself that it’s not my time yet and I will be up in another 5 minutes.…as I again slipped back to my dream, where I was sleeping…..

All of a sudden, something inside me told me “Wake up, it’s late!” and I hurriedly opened my eyes…I saw the time on the clock. It was 8.05 am, which meant as usually I was  late  and God only knew if the running water was still there or not!!! I opened my door to check out my doubts. The door next to my immediate neighbor also opened at the same time and I saw the insider also curiously checking out the same. When we both realized we are on the same boat, we grinned sheepishly at each other and went back inside the room to prepare for the ceremony. We both had almost finished brushing our teeth, when Chota Einstein came out of the bathroom. We both stared at each other with the intent of a Mexican standoff….we both knew it was our hair wash day, which meant we both needed the most precious water and the sacred  time to do the needful.....we both generally take ‘some’ time to finish our ceremony and most importantly we both were Late!!!

At last I budged in...I still had not ironed my clothes and the OCPD side of me can never go out anywhere without my dress being properly ironed, which meant Disadvantage me!!! I politely told my ‘mate’ “You go. I will go after you. Just fill up my bucket meanwhile.” The ‘mate’ smiled graciously at me and said “Of course…I will be back soon.” By the time she returned back, I was already fidgeting in anxiety…I had exactly 20 minutes in my hand, before the 9 am class begins!! I hurried through the motion, cursing myself under my breath for being late again and promising that next day onward I would definitely wake up early  etc etc..(by the way, promises like these are always meant to be broken). Finally when I had reached the canteen for breakfast, I saw my mate had almost finished the breakfast and we were the sole denizens of that room…which meant the rest must have already left for the class and I was officially going to get coronated as the Princess of Latecoming!!!!

I gobbled the tasteless food with such ferocity that our Mess-wala Bhaiyya even got scared looking at this view and perhaps reconfirmed his suspicion about my diagnosis! As I ran like a sprint runner towards the teaching block, I saw near Manokamna the dreaded white ambassador car with Baba inside. He had already seen me late twice this week and I knew it very well that if he catches me again I will truly be gone to seventh hell!!! So I ran Bolt-speed and reached the teaching block in record time (The Olympic committee was not there, else they would have declared me the fastest human on earth). The class had already started, but thankfully the class was full…which meant I could very easily sneak in unnoticed and took my seat among the back-benchers (i.e, the latecomers). I was still in my transcendental state and after a while when I could not control my disobedient eyelids, I dozed off.

When I woke up the class was almost over. I tried and act like a pseudo-intellectual throughout the rest of the class, taking down all what was been shown on the slides. Nobody could tell that I was sleeping few minutes back, as my unruly hair falling over my face, was protecting my sleeping face from being detected and the right hand was scribbling down something on the notebook in its autopilot mode. Only those who would have been a keen observer would have realized that all that was written was more indecipherable than any lost language.  

After the class got over I started walking towards the ward where I was currently posted. Unlike the rest who rushed to the respective wards or OPD after the class, I was in no hurry. The artistic me was enjoying every sight and sound of the nature around me, while walking...I was almost on the verge of making some poem revering the beauty of if Mr. Wordswoth's spirit was getting invoked inside me as  "I wandered lonely as a cloud..." when the stupid stray dogs roaming in front of the ward started barking at me and the poetic mood vanished in the thin air. I was going to scold the dogs about their insolence and stupidity, but their remarkable show of the canine teeth, got the better of me and I left the scene as soon as possible, realizing that right now escaping would be the best defense. 

It was our all patient round dreaded meant I had to stand upright on my feet and follow the entourage as we would move from one patient's bed to another, which meant poor me cannot even sleep!!! Added to that was the horrible stink in that dormitory,which acts as a sleep deterrent!! As I was lamenting about my pitiable state, I smelled a nice perfume or a deo was coming from my 'mate' who was also posted in that ward. Me and Maggie hair looked at each other....we smiled...we both were thinking the same...and gradually moved near the 'mate' so that we can fight the stinking odor in the room with the use of the fragrance of the 'mate's' deo....she did not look behind....she was too busy explaining ERP to our Consultant who was looking at her with pride. As I basked in that life saving fragrance my mind again diverted to my poetic inward eye and my heart also started dancing with the daffodils, when Mr. Fish brought me down to reality with a big thud. Naye, it was not Mr. Fish himself, but it was our Consultant who started asking us definitions of delusion and overvalued ideas from Mr. Fish's psychopathology book. Aye my friends consider my condition I was.... a fish lover...who would gorge on fish twice everyday since her childhood, forced to read Fish for the last one month instead of eating one....will any definition of delusions and hallucinations allure me...when I myself was having visual hallucinations of seeing dishes of fish in front of me???? Nobody understood... at least our Consultant who himself was a Bong like me did there I was looking blankly as the questions were being bombarded at us. Hence I thought of taking a shield...very slyly I was whispered into the ears of my 'mate'...."Tell me the definition"...My 'mate' did not disappoint me and she also whispered back something in my ear...Aye!!! But she did not consider my ear ailment while doing so...well....errr...I'm little short of hearing in my right ear (actually still undecided about which one is the worse than the other)...and as 'right'ly described it literally fell into the deaf ear....So I again whispered back to her asking her to repeat again. What I did not notice that while we were carrying out the short distance call...our Consultant joined in it, making it a Conference call. I was embarrassed...but put up a brave face acting as if it was just a wrong number dialled. But our Consultant was intelligent enough to catch my bluff and so he directed another question at me, which I had no clue about. I scratched my head hard and finally came up with an answer of my own...I daresay it was particularly open ended question itself!!! But aye! He did not appreciate my innovation and after the disastrous end to my innovation one senior chided me for giving 'air and water' (Hawa Pani - courtesy CIP dictionary)...and there went my momentary ambition to follow Mr. Jobs..."Think Different".

I was pretty disappointed at this and was visualizing imaginary dialogues with the then Apple CEO, about how thinking different is not appreciated everywhere, as I started having my ultra ultra rapid cycle of transcendental phase once more. I got that delicate condition where I was presently, I could not afford to slip back into I looked around me for help. Maggie hair was busy telling some MSE while Sleeping beauty looked as if she was in a much high state than mine in achieving the transcendental phase (actually we both were fierce competitors till the end of 1st year, but she won hands down by the end of 2nd year in this category). So in utter despair I explained the situation to my 'mate' and asked her to poke me as hard as possible...repeatedly with variable interval in between. I guess she had never seen anyone achieving such high state of consciousness while the first few pokes were soft..more out of curiosity than anything else. But mine was an emergency was no time for trial and I asked her to pinch me harder. She did comply and aye it was indeed hard!!! I mildly screamed...alerted my Consultant once again of some suspicious activity going on under his nose...he directed a question towards me which I half knew...but as they say "fortune favors the brave" luckily my 'mate' whispered the rest of the answer into the right ear (in this case the left ear) and I got duly saved. I smiled gratefully at my 'mate' for this and from that moment we stuck up a weird kind of a friendship....She was supposed to poke or pinch me whenever I would pass into the transcendental state of Consciousness and whisper answers into my left ear whenever I would not know any answer during the rounds.....and in return I would save her from lizards of any size whenever they would knowingly or unknowingly venture near her vicinity at any time of the day!!! And thus we pledged ourselves to be 'Bodyguard's of different genre. We continued honoring our pledge even after we were made apart by our 'zaalim' department, as soon as we finished a record 7 months duration of postings together in different wards in the first year. And people have come and gone, but nobody can awake me via pinches and pokes like she did and I guess it is the same for her...(sob, sob)

This 'mate' is none other than my beloved 'Saat saal' sole partner in crime during my CIP days when it came to Non Veg food hunting (read eating)...and I know whenever she will eat hot pakodas at 4.30 in the evening, she will surely miss our memorable days.............(can't sob's gonna flood soon)

P.S. An appeal to the makers of 'Ek thi Dayaan'...please don't show witches turning into lizards any just reinforced my 'Saat saal's' 'Chipkali phobia'...

May 6, 2013


  সারাদিন ক্লান্তির পর
ধূসর দিগন্তরেখায়,
পৃথিবীর বুক জুড়ে নেমে আসে 
                        নিঃস্তব্ধ সন্ধ্যা।

মুছে যায় জীবনের সব রঙ 
  নেমে আসে গাঢ় অন্ধকার,
ধীরে ধীরে 
      থেমে যায় হৃদয়ের স্পন্দন।

আলো হারায় পথ 
   রাত্রির অতল গহ্বরে 
  চুপচাপ নিঃসাড় -
                              সাদাকালো ছবি আঁকা হয় 
                       পৃথিবীর ক্যানভাসে।


একটা সেফটিপিন দিয়ে 
নিজেকে সেফ রাখার চেষ্টা করি।

তবুও দুর্বৃত্তদের হাতে 
আব্রু বেআব্রু হয়ে যায়।

সেফটিপিনখানি আর থাকে না সেফ,
আনসেফ হয়ে বারবার আমাকে খোঁচায়।

May 4, 2013


আমাকে তোমাদের মনে পড়ে ?

আমি যে সে, 
যে যুগে যুগে দিয়েছে অগ্নিপরীক্ষা 
বিশ্বাসহীনকে  বিশ্বাস করানোর অক্ষম প্রচেষ্টায় ;

যে জুয়ার দান হয়ে 
লাঞ্ছিত হয়েছে বারবার কোনো সভাঘরে;

অথবা কোনো লোভীর লোলুপতায় 
বাধ্য হয়েছে বেছে নিতে মৃত্যুর অগ্নিগহ্বর ;

যে করেছে কতবার নানাভাবে পার নীলমৃত্যুর পথ
তবুও সে আছে বেঁচে এক চিরন্তন সত্যের মতো ;

আমাকে তোমাদের মনে পড়ে ?