Sep 13, 2006

The Great Experimenter that my Mother is!

I daresay my mother is a very inquisitive experimenter! And she is so much full of new ideas that she just needs motivation from me to implement them! You dont seem to believe me ....thats too bad ......but I daresay you people would believe me after reading this post!

So as I was telling you people my mother is a very inquisitive experimenter...though she's an M.A in Bengali....but she is rather interested in experiments! She gathers her ideas by talking with her fellow teacher-colleagues and of course the mothers of all the students who come to her for tuitions,the kins etc etc. Just getting ideas would lead to to implement them she takes my help....or rather make me the subject of the experiment. The Basic Concept of her experiments are simple: To determine the effects of ...............on making the subject get fat.To carry out the procedure to make the subject (the guinea pig poor me) fat...the materials required are different kinds of almonds, 'chattu', kesar, nuts etc etc and milk to add the nutrient element! But the subject is rather a naughty one...whenever she sees the experimenter coming with the materials, she gives a marathon run, making the poor experimenter run after her. After a good cat and mouse chasing game...sometimes the experimenter wins by inserting all the materials into the subject's mouth, forcibly....sometimes the subject wins by getting inside the bathroom and not coming out till an hour has passed.

This experiment is still continuing and will continue ... God only knows for how long...but as soon as I get the final data I'd tell you people about the conclusion.I don't know if after reading the full post you people have now got a new perspective of my mother as a great experimenter or not...but somehow I'll continue to believe that she is a damn good and tireless experimenter who has got a good tenacity!

Sep 8, 2006

A Long Leave

Well ,I had been on a long leave coz I had been practically battling with my Part I exams.Now that its over doesn't mean that I'm heaving a sigh of relief ....coz my results are yet to come out!So another wait for the results (and I'm literally dreading that day when they will be announced!

So what was I doing these days?Well I went to Belur math oneday to watch the "Sandhya Arti"!Man!it was awesome!I really believe once in a life time you should go to Belur Math in the evening and that too by a boat ride on the Ganga,and enjoy the caressing winds of Ganga on your face and then you will feel like an uncaged bird with no meaness or materialistic petty things to hold you back! And the Arti was totally mind boggling!The whole hall of the Mandir seemed to filled with the "Aratric Bhajan " of the brahmacharies.You would then at that moment feel as if you are closer to God like never before!I know many a people will think that,"what a silly thing!"....but I tell you my friends ,once you should go there and let me know.I really believe that You will feel like me too.

Would have loved to write down all the details.But I don't have that capability to express that experience into words...words have failed me in this case!Till then
