Mar 13, 2006

The 'Princess' and I

I was then a small kid, about 5 years old, when I first met the 'Princess'. She was a lanky,extremely fair and a rather thin girl who bore a proud look on her face....never used to initiate any kind of conversation with anyone and answered in monosyllables. Frankly speaking I disliked the very sight of her! From that moment I nicknamed her 'The Princess'.

Years went by, but we never had a good relationship. In fact I always believed that she was a big snob! It was when we were in Class V ,i.e about 10 years old, we started to know each other. She used to come to my mother for help in Bengali and in return used to help me out in English. Slowly a kind of need based friendship started to blossom between us...but a rather inconsistent one! We were not the bestest was that whenever we used to be there together we used to have fun! Never knew when from being just having 'masti' type of friends, we moved into a new dimension....of sharing little secrets......happiness......pains..........sharing out a laughter together, having new adventures together, wiping out each other's tears.

Some of the special things we experienced in life were bunking classes......reading Mills and Boons romance under biology book......cheating and so forth. In fact we used to go to a Maths tuition together...and we used to share a mutual hatred towards that Maths tutor, who used to scold us vehemently on our lack of mathematical abilities.On those days I'd get ready in the morning...go to her home and wake her up from the sleep and most of the time she would refuse to come with me and missed the classes...while I had to attend the classes alone...cursing her and promising to myself that I will never talk to her anymore!

We used to dream together and still do........of being very rich,having a big mansion.....with Ferraris and BMWs and Mercedes. In fact it was our mock lawyer debates which had inspired her to study law! We always had this unique love hate relationship.....and in reality we were each other's biggest critic!

Things have changed.........we have changed......relationships have changed........but whenever I think of her ....I'm reminded of a girl who used to buy expensive gifts just to cool down her rather grumpy and angry friend! And whatever happens in future, the memories that I have shared with her, I'll never forget. Cheers my friend :)


Vivek Panda said...

i think i can guess who u r talking about ;)

Anonymous said...

thankx for spilling all our mind..n who is this vivek??? exploit..hvnt heard abt him b4!!
all i wanted to say is dat things mite have changed in many ways but i am still here for you weneva u need me..n dats a promise..miss u a lot..tke cre of urself n hope to see u soon!!byeeeee!!!!