Sep 10, 2015

Conversations with my Friend

Bon jour my Friend!
How have you been?
Did you have any difficulty in finding my place?
How has been your health and the journey so far?
The work, the pay, the family and everything?

Are you tired?
Would you like to have some coffee?
Are you in a hurry?
Or can we sit and chat for some time?
We can catch up on the years gone by.

We meet after such a long time, isn't my Friend?
Can you remember the first time we met?

It was many years ago
I was young, free and without a care for anything.
It was you who met me at the threshold
And gave me the final push to be pulled into a new orbit.

Do you remember how scared I was?
I cried when you told me "it's time to go".
I thought you would be there to hold my hand
But I was wrong
As I got lost into the melee of strangers.

Slowly I found my way in the chaos
Learnt my lessons diligently and not so diligently sometimes.
I laughed, I cried, I screamed with the others
Reached heights of ecstasy and depths of desperation in the same lifetime.

In all that commotion I forgot all about you somehow
Didn't know you were watching me from your secret window.
Even at times if you would come in front of me
You would always come in the guise of dark robe and sceptre.

I slowly started believing with the others,
May be that is what you are
Dark and cruel and the fearsome one.
Forgot that you are in fact the same as me and the rest.
But you forgave my folly
Maybe that's what true friends are for!

Now the time has come
And I know it for sure,
For today is my graduation day
And that's what your dark robes today are for.

I don't care about any GPA scores any more
Nor how my certificate looks like.
All that I know I have to keep on moving
For you will push me again
For yet another journey of a lifetime.

Merci my Friend
It was nice talking to you.
Hope to catch up with you some other time.
Maybe when we do next, you will tell me your stories
Au revoir, until we meet again.