Sep 6, 2011

Writer's Block

Well I cannot claim to be a writer as such (though I would love to fantasize so).....I just write occasional blog posts (actually 'wrote'...its a thing in the past), Facebook posts...and update my status every alternate  days on these can be called my only evidences of writing.

Today evening after going through my usual routine of checking my FB account...I thought of visiting my blogs and after checking through my posts and the various comments and the blogs of my friends - specially our group blog 'Straight from the Heart'.....I felt a a sudden tug in my heart...from that of the past 'Me'....the one who used to crave for artistic stimulation....the one who was spontaneous...not afraid to speak her mind.....the one who was a regular Blogger!!! I don't know what has become to her? I mean I don't see her at all!!! And Aye!!! I do miss her a lot........and I certainly do miss blogging.

Blogging for the past 'Me' was a source of Joy, an outlet to channelize thoughts....emotions.....feelings.....a creative outlet.......a way to let others see the world through her own eyes!!!! What happened to her? Why hasn't she been able to write any blog post for more than a year?? I mean it's not that she did not try..she did try once...even wrote a few lines, characterized by her so-called signature humorous, self effacing style...but could not complete the post and it remained as a saved draft in the blogger's dashboard. Is it 'Writer's Block' or something like that???

And then after lamenting over the past 'Me', I came to realize that this present 'Me' has actually lost her main characteristic....spontaneity...... Previously when thoughts would come to her mind, she would try and type them down as soon as possible....just as the way they came...never trying to decorate with too many intricate word works (thats actually due to lack of good bank of vocabulary!).....just straight from the heart...bilkul dilse!!!!

Thus whenever I would get the urge to write something...I would not do that in the pretense of organizing it into a better whole...then would give excuse that don't have the time to write...never mind the several hours I waste in checking Facebook and other social networking sites.... and the best excuse would be to blame it on my hectic days in if I never have had any leisurely time for indulging into my hobbies!!!!

So enough of excuses... enough of lamentation..... I'm really looking forward to revive the past 'Me' get back that old joy of writing....let it be silly and stupid enough....but none the less satisfying to the core......So cheers to the future :)